The dates for the CBSE Class 10 exams for the academic year 2022-2023 have not yet been announced. In general, the CBSE Class 10 exams are held in the month of March. It is recommended to check the official CBSE website ( or the website of your school for the latest information on exam dates and other details.

I’m sorry, but I don’t have any information about the CBSE Class 10 exam dates for the academic year 2023. The exam dates for the current academic year have not yet been announced, so it is not possible to predict the exam dates. It is recommended to check the official CBSE website ( or the website of your school for the latest information on exam dates and other details.

It is important to start preparing for the exams as early as possible, and to follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the CBSE and your school. It is also a good idea to take care of your physical and mental health, and to seek help if you are experiencing stress or anxiety related to the exams.

In the meantime, it is important to focus on your studies and prepare well for the exams. Make sure to follow the guidelines and instructions provided by the CBSE and your school, and take care of your physical and mental health. If you are experiencing stress or anxiety related to the exams, don’t hesitate to seek help.



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