
Applying for college is one of the most important milestones in our adult lives. It can also be one of the most stressful, with the pressure of your entire working future riding on the success of your application. 

There are so many crucial choices to be made, including the courses you want to study and the schools (and backup schools) that you will need to apply for in order to achieve your career ambitions. 

Teenagers become young adults at this moment and have to present themselves in the best possible light, adding detailed cover letters, and carefully edited images or video files to your digital portfolio. Thankfully, you can leverage digital tools to edit photos or trim video online to streamline the more technical aspects of preparing your college applications.

But what about structuring your application so that it’s prepped to get you accepted? This guide will help you through this important yet stressful process, enabling you to put your best foot forward with your college applications.

The Importance of Grades and Test Scores

There are many elements to your college application but the core is always going to be your academic performance in high school. There are limited positions available and these can become extremely competitive depending on the school and the course you want to pursue.

Your application needs to begin long before you finish your secondary education. You will need to research the prospective colleges that you want to attend and their cutoffs for grades for the course you want to study. If you fail to meet this cutoff, chances are you are going to get the dreaded rejection letter.

It is true that colleges take a holistic view when it comes to selecting students, but without the required grades, all other elements are essentially redundant. The earlier you can determine the grades you need and work to achieve them, the more likely you will be to get a successful outcome in your college application.

Excelling in Extracurriculars and Leadership Roles

Got your grades in order? Fantastic. Now it is time to rise above the rest of the pack competing for those coveted spots at desirable colleges.  Colleges love leaders, so turn your hobbies and passions into action by engaging in extracurricular activities that show you have the drive to succeed. 

There are plenty of activities out there to choose from, including sport, music, theatre and other creative endeavours. Find the right fit for you and start your journey toward becoming the leader the Ivy League schools want you to be.

Crafting an Impressive College Application Cover Letter

A well-crafted cover letter can significantly enhance your application by highlighting your individual strengths. It can also be a way to demonstrate to the College that you have genuine interest in it. Provided below are some tips to help you make an impressive cover letter:

First you want to make sure to get started on the application process as soon as possible. By starting early, you have extra time to thoroughly research prospective colleges to create a well informed application. 

This will also make your interest in the prospective colleges apparent, as you are familiar with them. There is also the added bonus of your application being seen earlier. This may not sound like an advantage, however, more spots are open earlier on, making your chances of success higher. Some colleges offer an ‘early decision’ option, which can increase your chances of acceptance.

The next tip is to include essential details in your cover letter. Attention to detail is very important for this process. Do not forget to leave out essential details like your name, street address and date. It is also very important to customise your cover letter by addressing it to the head of admissions. By including their name, it shows your interest and your attention to detail. You should also include specific details about the college you are applying to, so it is apparent why you are interested in the specific chosen college.  This personalised touch can convey your sincere enthusiasm for the school and make your letter stand out in the admissions process.

Make sure to start the letter with a formal greeting such as “Dear [Admissions Officer’s Name],” to show respect and professionalism. If you don’t know the name of the admissions officer, “Dear Admissions Committee,” will be accepted. 

Within the opening paragraph of your letter, you must make it clear why you are writing. It needs to be apparent that you are applying for admission to the school. It should also be clear which program and major you are interested in.

In the body of your letter, you should express why you are wanting to attend the specific college. You should state what aspects of the institution appeal to you. For example, it may be a strong engineering program, commitment to community service or an award winning gymnastics team. After stating this you should contextualise why this is important to you based on your career goals and personal interests. 

Lastly, in your closing paragraph, you should summarise the key points made in the letter. You should reiterate again your interest in the school and express your keenness to join the college. Finally, thank the reader for their time and consideration, this is important as it leaves your letter on an upbeat and grateful tone. 

Demonstrating Genuine Interest

It is considered important by colleges that you display genuine interest in their institution. This can be achieved by visiting the campus, joining campus tours, opting for interviews, or reaching out to admissions representatives. This may enhance your chances of making a positive impression during the admissions evaluation.


Crafting a great online application to your dream college requires strategic planning and thoughtful preparation. By focusing on your academic achievements, demonstrating leadership through extracurricular activities, writing an effective cover letter, and showing genuine interest in the college, your application will have the best chances of success. Remember, every element of your application contributes to telling your individual story, so make sure it’s one worth reading.

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