Table of Contents:

  • Formula of Average Speed
  • Average Speed Solved Examples

Formula of Average Speed

The formula for average speed is found by calculating the ratio of the total distance traveled by the body to the time taken to cover that distance.

The average speed equation is articulated as:

1 12 Total Distance traveled/Total Time taken ………… (1)

2 7

Equation (2) is the formula for an average speed of an object moving at a varying speed.

Average Speed Solved Examples

Problem 1: A runner sprints at a track meet. He completes a 1000-meter lap in 1 minute 30 sec. After the finish, he is at the starting point. Calculate the average speed of the runner during this lap?


Total distance covered by the runner = 1000 meters

Total time taken =1minute 30 sec

= 90 sec
So, applying the formula for the average speed
we have,

1 13 1000/90

2 8 11.1 m/s

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