Magnetic Declination is also referred to as the magnetic variation. Magnetic Declination is represented in the Greek word.

Magnetic Declination is associated with the year, longitude and latitude of a given location.

Calculation Of Magnetic Declination

Following are the different ways used to calculate the magnetic declination:

  • Using the declination calculator: The information such as year, latitude and longitude of the given location should be provided and the calculator gives the declination on the basis of magnetic reference field models.
  • Using a magnetic declination chart: A magnetic declination chart is a map with the earth’s magnetic fields available on it.
  • Using a compass: There are three types of bearing, they are true, magnetic and compass bearing. A compass can be used to calculate the declination as it is one of the errors of the compass and the other is magnetic variation. These three are related by:

T = M + V

M = C + D

T = C + V + D (which is a general equation relating compass and true bearings)


C = Compass Bearing

M = Magnetic Bearing

T = True Bearing

V = Variation

D = Compass Deviation

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