CBSE Board 10th Admit Card 2019 will be issued before some days of examinations and CBSE board is going to conduct 10th class exams in the month of march 2019. all the schools which is affiliated with the CBSE board will participate in all across the India can download CBSE Class 10th hall ticket 2019 from the official portal, Hence the students pursuing the Class X in CBSE board can get ready to download the hall tickets when the link is activated student is entered in hall only when the student have downloaded their hall ticket. It is mandatory to carry the hall ticket to attend the examination. The invigilators will allow the candidate for the test only after checking the hall tickets. If the students don’t have the admit card in any case at the time of verification, he/she will not be able to participate in the examination. both of the regular and private exams of 10th class admit card can be download by click the below link to download
the CBSE Board 10th class admit card for regular students:
click the below link to download
the CBSE Board 10th class admit card for private students:
Name of the board : Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Official website:
Examinations: CBSE Class 10th Exams 2018 -19
Date of exams: March 2019
Category: CBSE 10th Hall ticket 2019
Status: Released
Student Details in the CBSE Class 10 Admit Card:
1 Student’s Full Name
2 Student’ Father’s and Mother’s name
3 Student’s Hall Ticket Number
4 Signature of the Student
5 Photo of the Student
6 Student’s Thumb Print
7 Gender of the Student
8 Academic Year
9 Identification of the Student
10 Date of Birth and Age details
11 Examination Center Name
12 Code for the Examination Hall
13 Address of the Examination Center
14 Subject Name and Code
15 Date and Day of the Examination
16 School Name of the Student
17 Time Limit for every Exam
18 Instructions to the Student, etc.