Computer GK Questions and Answers / Computer Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers & Experienced

Question : Computer’s basic architecture was developed by?

Answer : ohn Von Neumann

Question : Who was the inventor and founder of www?

Answer : Tim Berners Lee

Question : Analytical engine was invented by …….

Answer : Charles Babbage

Question : Who developed integrated circuit?

Answer : JS Kilby

Question : Which of the following is known as father of modern computers?

Answer : Alan Turing

Question : The first PC virus was developed in

Answer : 1986

Question : Python was invented by …..

Answer : Guido Van Rossum

Question : JavaScript was invented by …..

Answer : Brendan Eich

Question : Java was introduced by

Answer : Sun Microsystem

Question : FORTRAN was introduced in the year

Answer : 1957

Question : FORTRAN was invented by ..

Answer : IBM

Question : C++ was developed by …..

Answer : Bjarne Stroutstrup

Question : C# was invented by …..

Answer : Anders Hejisberg

Question : C was invented by …..

Answer : Dennis Ritchie

Question : Java is a programming langauge developed by

Answer : James Gosling

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