<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Background Image and Position</title>
body {
background-image: url('II. back-image image.jpg');
/* You can use any image name with extension in url()*/
/* background-image: linear-gradient(135deg,rgb(0, 238, 247),rgb(245, 147, 35),rgb(71, 243, 65)); */
/*You can use mulit color background with angles.*/
background-size property in CSS represents the size of the background.
People spend lakhs of rupees to prepare for competitive exams, but now, if you want, you can prepare for these
exams at home for free. For this, you will not even need to go to the class room. You can do this preparation at
home with the website, which uploads different materials that have been prepared by the expert teachers keeping
in mind the needs of the children. Many times, children are unable to get coaching to prepare for competitive
exams due to financial constraints. Keeping such children in mind, this website has provided many of the
subjects needed to help children reach their goals.
The basic motive of the site is to upload mock tests online to help school children reach their goals. The
special thing is that the tests are free to be accessed and the management keep a check on the changes on the
syllabus and update the material accordingly. This site has been opened to benefit children.
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