
You can save a decent amount on airline tickets, every traveler knows that. Many people think that the cost of the flight is influenced only by the distance, services in flight and type of airline. Choosing the cheapest ticket from an aggregator list doesn’t save money.

Experienced travelers know what tips help really reduce the cost and save more on enjoyable activities, like shopping or even playing at Let’s find out what you need to do to get a reasonable price for a ticket, as well as what you should keep in mind when applying to low-cost airlines.

Impersonate Yourself Online

All of your searches, the sites you visit, and the data about your location and the device from which you go online are recorded. Residents of two different countries may see completely different ticket prices for the same flight.

Owners of the iPhone or iPad will be shown a higher price than those who search with an Android device. Plus, when you re-enter the request, you may notice that ticket prices have gone up. This is a kind of provocation, forcing you to make a purchase immediately before the price goes up even more.

Such moves are often used in marketing, and therefore you need to be able to unravel such tricks and bypass the system.

To do this, you can log into your browser in incognito mode and delete all cookies. This way, you will clean up your tracks and the aggregator won’t have any information about your past visits and search queries.

Search in the Budget Segment

Major image airlines offer flight tickets at a fairly high price. But you can find a better deal, particularly with low-cost airlines – companies that make a profit by cutting costs and introducing additional services for a fee. But they have the lowest ticket price.

If you search for tickets through an aggregator, you are unlikely to find low-cost offers. The service isn’t profitable to show them because of the low commission. It’s best to choose your own options on the websites of different airlines, or search for cheap tickets on resources such as and

Buy “Last Minute” Tickets

It’s possible to save on airfare if you fly not on a regular flight, but on a charter flight. Most often such flights are seasonal and made to specific destinations. In general, charters organize tour operators, and often the plane isn’t filled to its capacity. In such cases, those wishing to buy a ticket at a much lower price than the average.

Participate in Loyalty Programs

Many airlines run promotions and offer bonuses to their customers. If you register as a regular customer you will receive coupons for duty-free stores, earn miles, etc.

Some airlines provide a good discount for a group of travelers. For example, a flight with EasyJet allows you to buy two or three tickets for €10 less each.

Influence of the time of Purchase on the Airfare

If you are planning a flight, you should take care of tickets in advance: three months in advance at least, better yet – half a year in advance. If you intend to travel in June, begin to monitor aggregators in December in search of suitable options.

We recommend that you adhere to these terms, if you are looking for a way to save on airfare. Airlines are trying to produce a full load of their flights in advance for several months in order to make a profit. That’s why most of them attract customers by running bonus programs or offering discounts for booking tickets in advance. Your benefit can be from 25 to 50% of the cost of the flight if you take care of the purchase 6 months before the trip.

How the Time of Purchase Affect the Cost of the Airfare

Many people think that just before departure the ticket price will drop drastically. In reality prices start going up a couple of weeks before the scheduled flight date, and all promotions are canceled. Statistically the situation looks like this: 20% of travelers book seats well in advance for the lowest price; 65% spend a little more by purchasing average price tickets; 15% of passengers purchase them before the flight and therefore overpay significantly.

In case you didn’t have time to book your ticket in advance or were forced to change your plans, you still have a chance to buy tickets at reasonable prices. Practice shows that two months before departure their cost is set at just below average.

The cost of tickets varies not only depending on days of the week, but also on the time of day. So, if you make a request in the early morning, you’ll see one price, and in the middle of the working day is quite another. This is due to high demand and the period of activity of people, in particular those who fly for business purposes.

In the afternoon, ticket prices begin to drop and reach a minimum by the evening. Hence, early morning and late evening are the best times of the day to look for tickets at low prices, and there is a larger and better selection.

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