Energy of Electron Formula
Bohr calculated the energy of an electron in the nth level of the hydrogen atom by considering the electrons in circular, quantized orbits as

E ( n ) = 1 n 2 × 13.6 e V

where 13.6 eV is the lowest possible energy of a hydrogen electron E(1).

An electron absorbs energy in the form of photons and gets excited to a higher energy level. After jumping to the higher energy level, also called the excited state, the excited electron is less stable, and therefore, would quickly emit a photon to come back to a lower and more stable energy level. The emitted energy is equivalent to the difference in energy between the two energy levels for a specific transition. The energy can be calculated using the following equation

h v = Δ E = ( 1 n l o w 2 1 n h i g h 2 ) 13.6 e V

The formula for defining the energy levels of a hydrogen atom is given by

E = E 0 n 2

where E0 is 13.6 eV and n is 1,2,3……and so on

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