
How Good Are Residential Schools for Your Child’s Education?
There are several reasons to choose a boarding school for your child’s education. It is a common doubt which arises in a parents mind whether residential schools are good enough for a child’s education or not. Read more to check the various reasons residential schools are good for your child’s education.
+    Enthusiastic and dedicated teachers
Residential schools hire those teachers you have advanced degrees in their field. They are even passionate about their subject and love to teach the younger generation since the students at these schools are very well disciplined, teachers get the opportunity to put their entire focus on teaching instead of having to manage their children.
+    Great sports facilities
The boarding or residential schools have amazing sports facilities. The variety of sports that are available is mind-bogging where you can find basketball, hockey to even squash. The boarding schools even have excellent gymnasium with hi-tech equipment.
+    Art program and facilities
The residential schools in Dehradun offer every facility you could think of, be it
    theatre, dance, music, fine arts or anything else. The schools even have magnificent performing arts centers as well as museums. The children who are interested in music, bands, orchestras and jazz, Artistic students can participate in art festivals, art galleries and music.
+    Well stocked libraries
The established and older residential schools have traditional library facilities which are sometimes better equipped than in many colleges. The latest newer established schools have media center which have the latest technology in addition to the usual print materials.
+    Social skills
Residential schools welcome students from a variety of cultures. These students step outside their comfort zone and build the confident to face the various challenges in order to develop a well-rounded social skill. Variety of cultures allows the students to have a unique experience. By living in closed quarters and with highly motivated people with similar goals and individuals allows the students to form strong bonds between the classmates.
+   Robust curriculum
These schools have robust curriculum which are designed by keeping the principles of  teaching and education in mind. It encourages the contact between the students and faculty. The curriculum enables the teachers to focus on all round development of the students, so that the students are skilled not only in the academics which is required for the board exams but also several other subjects. Visit the website for a more thorough information of the curriculum that is followed in these schools.
+    Attention to each child
Although the atmosphere is strict yet the teachers are compassionate who pay attention to every child. A strict regime is followed buy the individual attention that is paid to each and every student makes the stay in a boarding school worth it. The teachers, house wardens and even the headmaster provide a very comfortable environment for the growth and development of the child.

At Mussorrie International School which is an all girl’s Residential School, we pay maximum attention to the comfort of the child. The school has excellent facilities when it comes to sports, dance, music and any other extracurricular activities. Visit here www.misindia.net to find out more about the curriculum that is followed and the facilities that are provided to the students not only at the school but also in the boarding area.

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