
A car is travelling at full speed. It crashes into the barrier, because of the negligence of the driver.

Here the huge force is applied on the wall by the car in a very little time interval which we term as an impulse.

Impulse is the big force acting for a very small interval of time. It is represented by J⃗ J→.

Impulse Formula is articulated as



  • Force applied is given as F
  • Time interval throughout which force is applied is given as t.

Impulse can also be articulated as the rate of change of momentum.



  • Mass of the body is given as m
  • The velocity with which the body is moving is given as v.

Velocity is articulated as

v=vf – vi


  • Initial Velocity is given as vi
  • Final Velocity is given as vf .

Therefore, the Impulsive force is articulated as


Impulse is articulated in Kgms-1 and Impulsive force is articulated in Newton(N).

Impulse-momentum formula

The Impulse-momentum formula is obtained from the impulse-momentum theorem which states that change in momentum of an object is equal to impulse applied on the object. The formula is given as follows:

Impulse-momentum formulaJ=Δp
When the mass is constantFΔt=mΔv
When the mass is varyingFdt=mdv+vdm

As the SI unit of impulse and momentum are equal, it is given as Ns=kg.m.s-1

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