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EducationIdol are provided study materials for Class 12 Political Science, NCERT solutions for Class 12 Political Science revision notes, NCERT solutions for Class 12 Political Science question papers, NCERT solutions for Class 12 Political Science sample papers, NCERT solutions for Class 12 Political Science syllabus and NCERT solutions for Class 12 Political Science important questions. Students can prepare and score well using education idol study materials.

NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science : Contemporary World Politics
Chapter 1 The Cold War Era NCERT Solutions
Chapter 2 The End of Bipolarity NCERT Solutions
Chapter 3 US Hegemony in World Politics NCERT Solutions
Chapter 4 Alternative Centres of Power NCERT Solutions
Chapter 5 Contemporary South Asia NCERT Solutions
Chapter 6 International Organisations NCERT Solutions
Chapter 7 Security in the Contemporary World NCERT Solutions
Chapter 8 Environment and Natural Resources NCERT Solutions
Chapter 9 Globalisation NCERT Solutions
NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Political Science : Politics In India Since Independence
Chapter 1 Challenges of Nation Building NCERT Solutions
Chapter 2 Era of One Party Dominance NCERT Solutions
Chapter 3 Politics of Planned Development NCERT Solutions
Chapter 4 India’s External Relations NCERT Solutions
Chapter 5 Challenges to and Restoration of Congress System NCERT Solutions
Chapter 6 The Crisis of Democratic Order NCERT Solutions
Chapter 7 Rise of Popular Movements NCERT Solutions
Chapter 8 Regional Aspirations NCERT Solutions
Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Indian Politics NCERT Solutions

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