NCERT Solutions for Class 4 English Marigold Book PDF Download

Unit-1 (Chapter 1 – Wake Up and Chapter 2 – Neha Alarm Clock)
Unit-2 (Chapter 3 – Noses and Chapter 4 – The Little Fir Tree)
Unit-3 (Chapter 5 – Run and Chapter 6 – Nasruddin’s Aim)
Unit-4 (Chapter 7 – Why and Chapter 8 – Alice In Wonderland)
Unit-5 (Chapter 9 – Don’t Be Afraid Of The Dark and Chapter 10 – Helen Keller)
Unit-6 (Chapter 11 – I Had A Little Pony and Chapter 12 – The Milkman’s Cow)
Unit-7 (Chapter 13 – Hiawatha and Chapter 14 – The Scholars Mother Tongue)
Unit-8 (Chapter 15 – A Watering Rhyme and Chapter 16 – The Giving Tree)
Unit-9 (Chapter 17 – Books and Chapter 18 – Going To Buy A Book)
Unit-10 (Chapter 19 – The Naughty Boy and Chapter 20 – Pinocchio)

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