Formula of Ohm’s Law
Ohms law formula is articulated as


Voltage is V and is measured in Volts,

The current flowing through the conductor is I and it represented in amperes,

the resistance is R and is measured in ohms

Ohm’s law formula (potential difference formula) is made use of to calculate the Resistance, Current, and Voltage in any given circuit if any of the two quantities are given.

Ohm’s Law Solved Examples
Underneath are some numerical on Ohm’s law which might be useful for you.

Problem 1: A potential difference of 10 V is applied across a conductor whose resistance is 25 ω. Calculate the current flowing through it?

Given: Potential difference V = 10 V,
Resistance R = 25 ω,




Problem 2: If a conductor resistance is 50 Ω and the current passing through the is 5 A. Calculate the potential difference?

Current I = 5 A,
Resistance R = 50 ω,
Potential difference V = IR
= 5× 50
V = 250 volts

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