Table of Contents

What is SAPUI5?

Just like any other HTML5 client-side rendering library SAPUI5 is also one. SAPUI5 strictly follows RIA (Rich Internet Application) standards. It is based on JavaScript which provides a lightweight programming model for desktop as well as mobile applications.

What is a Component?

Component or Component.js is the first point of our application or we can say bthat it serves as index which encapsulates all our applications details i.e. view names, routing details, main view, applications type(Full Screen or SplitApp), application service configuration, etc..

Explain the Navigation concept in SAPUI5.

SAPUI5 uses two mechanisms for navigation in applications those are EventBus and Routing where the latter supersedes SAPUI5 1.16. sap.ui.core.routing is the class used for the routing.
We define routing in components metadata in the “routing” key.


As the HTML5 world is the new age front technology across all aspects of internet applications SAP was kind of trailing in this age because SAP was using age-old WebDynpro for building SAP Web Applications which lacks in rich and user-friendly UI. SAP identified this and came up with its own custom HTML5 library i.e. SAPUI5.

What Is Formatter In Sapui5 And How To Use It?

We need to use formatter when we need to perform some changes on the back end property data on the front end.

What Is The Syntax To Define A Control In Ui5?

var obj_name = new sap.m.ControlName(“id of control”,{ properties, events, aggregations });

What Is Responsive Web Design?

A web application which gives same look and feel to the user in desktops and mobile devices.

How Navigation Works In Sapui5?

Sap uses two mechanisms, routing and EventBus. Routing Is specifically used for bookmarking the URL. We define routing in component.js within the metadata. It also defines the navigation path and hash changer which is used at the runtime to change the url of the particular screen.

What Is Metadata Annotations?

The service metadata document describes the structure of all resources in the service. This structural metadata makes it easy to understand a service. We can explore service metadata at the address “$metadata” relative to the service root.

Does Fragment Have Its Own Controller?

Fragments are created without controllers, they don’t have their own controllers they share controller of the view which is invoking it.

What Are Sapui5 Fragments?

Fragments are very light weight UI controls. Fragments are not completely like views but they act like a view. Fragments are defined similar like views and are names like “Fragment.fragment.xml“.

In How Many Ways You Can Bind Data To Your Controls?

We can bind data to any controls using three methods, Property, Element and Aggregation binding.

What Is Sapui5 Bootstrapping?

SAPUI5 Bootstrapping means loading and initializing SAPUI5 in any HTML page. Themes and Libraries are defined in this.

What Is The Main Difference Between Odata Model And Json Model?

The JSON model is a client-side model and, therefore, intended for small datasets, which are completely available on the client.The OData model is a server-side model: the dataset is only available on the server and the client only knows the currently visible rows and fields.

What All Events/life Cycle Are Available In Sapui5’s Views Controller?

There are 4 lifecycle available in SAPUI5’s views controller, they are:

  • onInit() – it is called when a view is instantiated and its controls have already been created.
  • onExit() – it is called when the view is destroyed, used to free resources and finalize activities.
  • onAfterRendering() – when the view has been rendered and, therefore, its HTML is part of the document.
  • onBeforeRendering() -It is called before the controller view is re-rendered and not before the first rendering.

How Many Types Of Data Model Are Available In Sapui5?

SAPUI5 has following predefined four data models available:

  • JSON Model: Client-side model, supports two way binding.
  • XML Model : Client-side model and intended for small data sets this is very rarely used model.
  • Resource Model : This is also client side model used to maintain resource bundles, specially texts.
  • ODATA Model : This is most important model of the four provided.

How Many Types Of Views Are Available In Sapui5?

There are 4 types of views available:

  • JS view
  • JSON view
  • XML view
  • HTML view

What all design patterns are recommended/available in SAPUI5?

SAP recommends following application design patterns keeping in mind design consistency of the applications:

  1. Master-Detail
  2. Master-Master-Detail
  3. Full Screen
  4. Full Screen-Full Screen-MasterDetail (Multi Flow)

When and How to use formatter in SAPUI5?

We need to use formatter when we need to perform some changes on the back end property data on the front end.
we can use formatter while data binding to a property like as follows:

oControl = new sap.ui.commons.TextField({
value : {path : “/path”, formatter : function(oEvent){
return “Value:”+oEvent;

How Is Paging Accomplished In Odata Query?

Paging can be accomplished by using $skip in combination with $top. The parameters’ values describe the interval of the data that is requested.

What Is The Difference Between Aggregation Binding And Element Binding?

Aggregation binding is used for list-like structures, whereas element binding can be used to set the binding context of any parent control.

When Do You Use Element Binding?

When you want bindings of child controls to resolve their paths relative to the binding of the parent.

What Is The Best Practice For Showing Or Hiding An Sapui5 Control At Runtime?
Set the “visible” property of the control to “true” or “false”.

How Many Filters Can You Apply On A List Binding?

As many as needed

Which Of The Following Sequences Of Steps Do You Use To Assemble The Url To Access Your Odata Service’s Metadata?

  • Run your app from SAP Web IDE and copy its URL into a new browser tab.
  • In your app’s manifest.json file, go to “services”, copy the URI, and use it to replace the file path in the URL from Step 1.
  • Append “/$metadata” and press enter.

Name Some Types In Sapui5?

  • sap.ui.model.type.Float
  • sap.ui.model.type.DateTime
  • sap.ui.model.type.Currency

How Can You Access Validation Errors In Sapui5?

  • Set handleValidation to true in the manifest.json file.
  • Register to the validationError event on sap.ui.getCore().

What Do You Need If You Want To Bind A List To Data In Your Jsonmodel?

  • An array with the data in the JSONModel that you want to bind to the list.
  • A template list item to be cloned.
  • A bound list control.

What Is Aggregation Binding Used For?

To bind a set of data entities to a list-like structure

Which Predefined Sizes For Margins That Stand For 8px (0.5rem), 16px (1rem), 32px (2rem), Or 48px (3rem) Are Available In Sapui5?

‘Tiny’, ‘Small’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Large’

How Would You Add An Icon From The Sapui5 Icon Font To A Button In An Xml View?

For What Stands The Abbreviation Json? Java Script Object Notation What Is The Name Of The File Where The Descriptor For Applications, Components, And Libraries Is Stored? Manifest.json Which Of The Following Namespaces Can Be Used In The Manifest.json File?

  • sap.ui5
  • sap.ui

What Information Can Be Stored In The Manifest.json File Of Your App?

  • Root view
  • Supported device types
  • Supported themes

Name Some Standard Controller Hooks In Sapui5?

  • onInit – an event that is called when the view and the controller are instantiated
  • onExit – an event that is called when the view and the controller are destroyed

What Is The Purpose Of A Controller?

  • To separate the UI and the processing logic
  • To control the application flow by handling user events or updating the view

What Are View Types Offered By Sapui5?

  • JavaScript views
  • JSON views
  • XML views

What Sapui5 Control Metadata Is Used To Configure The Ui Elements At Runtime?

  • Associations
  • Properties
  • Aggregations

Which Open Standards And Tools Are The Foundation Of Sapui5 Technology?

  • D3.js for visualization
  • ARIA for accessibility standards and keyboard handling
  • jQuery for managing DOM elements and abstracting browser differences

What Are Fiori Design Principles?

There are 5 design principles we need to keep in mind while designing SAP Fiori applications.

  • Role Based
  • Delightful
  • Simple
  • Responsive
  • Coherent

How Can You Get The Web Browser Of The Client On Which Sap Fiori Application Is Running?

SAPUI5 library provides a special API “sap.ui.Device“which can be used to for device and its feature detection. This API provides flags like “chrome”, “firefox”, “mozilla”, “edge” etc. in “sap.ui.Device.browser” API which returns boolean values.

What Is Fiori Launchpad And Explain It?

It is a home page for all the FIORI applications provided to. There are more than five hundred custom app provided by SAP. This shows tile based UI where every UI redirects to assigned FIORI application. This Launchpad is fully customizable according to your needs like theming and all.

What Is The Difference Between Sap Fiori And Sapui5?

SAP FIORI is collection of standard applications based on SAPUI5 library provided by SAP. SAP FIORI applications share some standard design guidelines and way in which these application are developed.

How Many Types Of Fiori Applications Are There?

There are 3 types of fiori applications:

  • Transactional
  • Analytical
  • Fact Sheets

What Is Sap Fiori?

SAPUI5 is client side HTML5 rendering framework or library and SAP FIORI is collection of and released as waves of applications which are completely based on SAPUI5 framework. It means we can create applications using SAPUI5 framework and SAP FIORI is final product i.e. application. In SAPUI5 we have to code from scratch, but in Fiori Application the custom application is already built and enhancements can be done on those custom apps.

What Are Common Metadata Annotations?

Following are some of the service metadata annotations which are common and a front end developer must know these in order to understand the service and integrate it:

  • edm:EntityContainer
  • edm:EntitySet
  • edm:EntityType
  • edm:Property
  • edm:NavigationProperty
  • edm:AssociationSet

Name Some Semantic States In Sapui5?

  • Positive
  • Negative
  • Critical

What Are Semantic Colors In Sapui5?

They are representations of states such as success, warning, and error.

Name Some Odata Query Parameters?

  • $skip
  • $count
  • $expand

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