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Tension is nothing but the drawing force acting on the body when it is hung from objects like chain, cable, string etc. It is represented by T (occasionally also symbolized as Ft).

Tension formula is articulated as



T= tension (N or kg-m/s2)

g = acceleration due to gravity (9.8 m/s2)

m =Mass of the body

a = Acceleration of the moving body

If the body is travelling upward, the tension will be T = mg+ ma
If the body is travelling downward, the tension will be T = mg – ma
If the tension is equivalent to the weight of body T = mg

Tension Formula is made use of to find the tension force acting on any object. It is useful for problems. Tension is a force so it is expressed in Newtons (N).

Tension Solved Examples

Underneath are questions based on tension which may be useful for you.

Problem 1: A 8 Kg mass is dangling at the end of a string. If the acceleration of the mass is

  1. 3 m/s2in the upward direction
  2.  3 m/s2 in a downward direction

Find the tension in the string.

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