Which of the following have the smallest storage capacity ?

(a) Zip disk.
(b) Hard disk.
(c) Floppy disk.
(d) Data cartridge.

Answer : (c)

What type of devices are CDs or DVDs ?

(a) Input.
(b) Output.
(c) Software.
(d) Storage.

Answer : (d)

Why has RAM been named like this ?

(a) Because it is read and write memory.
(b) Because it is volatile memory.
(c) Because any of the locations in chip directly be selected for storing and retrieving data and instructions.
(d) Because it is non-volatile memory.

Answer : (c)

What is the full form of URL ?

(a) Uniform Reverse Location.
(b) Universal Resolution Location.
(c) Uniform Resource Locator.
(d) United Resource Locator.

Answer : (c)

What would you do to highlight a word? You position the cursor next to the word, and then

(a) Drag mouse while holding button down.
(b) Click mouse once.
(c) Roll and then click mouse.
(d) None of the above.

Answer : (a)

Which is the part of the computer system that one can physically touch ?

(a) Data.
(b) Operating systems.
(c) Hardware.
(d) Software.

Answer : (c)

Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym……

(a) CD.
(b) DVD.
(c) ROM.
(d) RW.

Answer : (d)

A ……… is an electronic device that process data, converting it into information.

(a) Computer.
(b) Processor.
(c) Case.()
(d) Stylus.

Answer : (a)

……… is processed by the computer into information.

(a) Data.
(b) Numbers.
(c) Alphabets.
(d) Pictures.

Answer : (a)

File extensions atre used in order to ……..

(a) Name the file.
(b) Ensure the filename is not lost.
(c) Identify the type.
(d) Identify the file type.

Answer : (d)

The most common type of storage devices are …

(a) Persistent.
(b) Optical.
(c) Magnetic.
(d) Flash.

Answer : (c)

There are ….. parts to a computer system.

(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 16.
(d) 100.

Answer : (b)

During the ….. portion of the information Processing Cycle, the computer accquires data from some source.

(a) Processing.
(b) Storage.
(c) Input.
(d) Output.

Answer : (c)

The ……. tells the computer how to use its components.

(a) Utility.
(b) Network.
(c) Operating system.
(d) Mother bread.

Answer : (c)

An output device that lets you see what the computer in doing …….

(a) A disk drive.
(b) Monitor-screen.
(c) Shift key.
(d) Printer.

Answer : (b)

All of the are examples of real security and privacy risks EXCEPT.

Answer Options-

(a) Hackers.
(b) Spam.
(c) Viruses.
(d) Identify theft.

Answer : (b)

A process known as ……. is used by large retailers to study trends.

Answer Options-

(a) Data mining.
(b) Data selection.
(c) POS.
(d) Data conversion.

Answer : (a)

……… terminals (formerly known as cash registers) are often connected to complex inventory and sales computer.

(a) Data.
(b) Point-of-scale (POS).
(c) Sales.
(d) Query.

Answer : (b)

……… system is a small , wireless handheld computer that scans and item’s tag and pulls up the current price (and any special offers) as you shop.

(a) PSS.
(b) POS.
(c) Inventory.
(d) Data mining.

Answer : (a)

The ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal’s computer is an example of a law enforcement speciality called.

(a) Robotics.
(b) Simulation.
(c) Computer forensics.
(d) Animation.

Answer : (c)

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